Tattoo removing in the summer?

Customers are constantly afraid of something, most often these are fictitious stories. But you need to be confident to convince them!

I personally witnessed several disputes about seasonality and post-traumatic pigmentation, and I can perfectly understand each side, the topic is still very controversial and not fully understood. But I tried to collect basic information for a small educational program. I hope that this will help a little better to figure out the problem.
First, we all understand that the pigment for the tattoo is artificial.
Well, what about the natural pigment?
This pigment is melanin, its main function is to protect the body from the effects of ultraviolet rays. There are two main types of melanin, combinations of them make a person, for example, brunette or ginger:

  • Eumelanin - has a brownish hue, the most common form
  • Feomelanin - has a reddish tint, its protective features are worse, therefore it is considered defective

Melanin produces special cells in the basal layer of the skin - melanocytes that look like inverted octopuses.
Why then the shade of the skin can differ radically?
All people on the planet, regardless of the type of skin and race, have the same number of such cells in the body - about 1200 cells per 1 square cm of skin. So why then the shade of the skin can differ radically?

The answer is simple - it's all about the activity of melanocytes. The more melanin they produce, the darker the skin. Also these cells are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. When exposed to UV rays, they begin to actively produce melanin, the skin is more saturated with pigment and darkens. So there is a tanning. Based on the characteristics of this reaction, the dermatologist Fitzpatrick created the basic classification of skin types.

So, the natural skin pigment - melanin, is produced by melanocytes and stains skin with intensity, depending on their activity. So the type of skin is determined. Also, under the influence of ultraviolet rays melanocytes begin to work more actively, secrete more melanin, due to this tan appears.
How does this relate to the tattoos removal?
The pigment that is in the skin is located in the epidermis, which is a surface structure and overlaps the path of the laser beam to the tattoo pigment. During the procedure, the laser beam passes through the epidermis and encounters a barrier in the form of melanin. And the more melanin in the skin, the more obstacles are met by the laser beam.
The nozzle for the 1064 nm laser safely works with all types of skin.
When working with a dark and tanned skin with a 1064nm nozzle, it is necessary to take into account that it is worth working on weaker parameters than when working with light skin, since we have a barrier in the form of melanin. But based on my experience, I will say that with a nozzle of 1064 nm we did not observe any serious consequences even while working with tanned skin
The 532nm nozzle works safely only from 1 to 3 skin type.
It is recommended to patients 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the laser removal session to avoid active sun exposure and use the creams with SPF 30-50.

In the end, we have that you can remove tattoos in the summer. But it is important to know the features of working with dark and tanned skin and encourage patients to follow the recommendations!
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Educational license No. 6558 of January 17, 2017.
Teacher Vitaly Mikryukov, PhD of Medicine
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